Sunday, October 15, 2006

It's been 2 months, but who's counting?

Helllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo to all you loyal subscribers! Baybee Katie here.

Huh? You don't have to subscribe to this gibberish? You mean, we don't get paid? What is the deal with that? Who would spend the time to type all this stuff out and NOT get paid for it? Oh. Really? Sorry, Mommy. Didn't mean to 'dis you like that. To each his own, as they say.


Anyways! Today is the 2 month anniversary of my entrance into this world. Ahhhhhh. What a strange trip it's been. I can honestly say that I've had a wonderful time so far. I've done a bunch of stuff in the last month and made some new friends along the way. So, sit back and enjoy the latest installment of "Livin' the Baybee Lifestyle: A Life in Constant Transition".

One day, about 2 weeks ago, I was minding my own business when this chick started making faces at me. "How rude," I thought. She was sticking her tongue out, grimacing and even worse, laughing at me! LAUGHING, at ME! I was about to ask her what the hell she was staring at and if she wanted to "take it outside", when I was told I was looking into a mirror. Whoa. Dude.

It was then that I took a good look at myself. What is up with my hair? I mean look at it. I am balding on one side and the hair that I DO have sticks up in the back and the front so I look like a mutant Alfalfa. Take a look at the picture below. How could this happen?

Not only that, what is with all the flakes? I look like I have parmesan cheese spread all over my scalp. This does not make The Katie happy. How do my parental units let me go out in public like this? Ugh. How embarrassing. Enough depressing talk. I met some more cool people this month. Auntie Onion Dip and Uncle Junior came to visit. A good time was had by all, especially Mommy who enjoyed having other people deal with my, uh, shtuff. Mommy and Daddy tried to go out to dinner with them. Didn't quite pan out. I decided to throw a fit. Oh, you should've seen it. It was a classic. You might think it mean of me, but really it just comes down to the fact that I was NOT in the mood for Italian that night.

I also met a guy named Mickey Mouse. I overheard that he owns a lot of property all over the world and that he is worth millions, maybe even billions. Mommy said that one day we'll get to go visit him at his "kingdom". Well, I guess he is royalty too. CHA-CHING! Sign me up. I heard that he has a girlfriend already. But, he hasn't met me yet. Get me some Head and Shoulders and I MIGHT have a chance.

Who else did I meet? Oh yeah! Lambie. Lambie is a pretty cool dude. He hangs out over top of my swing. Best thing is that his brother, Lambie, and his other brother, Lambie, are always there too. They crack me up. They do this little dance. Mannnnnn, you just gotta see it. Here's a pic of them in action. Bad photo of me. I must have had a little too much to drink, if you know what I mean. Got the sleepies.
In the past month, I've given up the whole "Boob? What is that?" facade. I decided that Mommy had enough stress on her plate. I'd throw her a bone. How nice am I? I can now do both - boob AND bottle. I am THAT good. I've also recently taken up binky sucking too. I have achieved The Sucking Trifecta.

Hmmmm. What else?

I'm finding my voice. I haven't quite mastered the whole english language thing, so I just decided to make up my own language. I like to call it, "AHHHH-GUUUUish". There really are only a few sounds so far, but it's a work in progress.

Last week, I was able to read "The Hungry Catepillar" with Mommy. She reads way too slow. I kept trying to tell her, but she always replies to me the same way no matter what I say. It's always, "You don't say?" or "Oh yeah?". Sigh. I don't think she gets what I am trying to tell her. Speed it up woman! I'm not an idiot, you know.

I'm a little worried about Daddy. He rides his racing bicycle to and from work everyday. He says that it's quicker than sitting in traffic and that he can save money on gas. The problem is that sometimes he is just so wiped at days end that I think that he must be zombified. I mean, take a look at the picture below and you tell me. Doesn't he look possessed? Cuh-reeeeee-peeeeeeee.

Well, that is my life. Recently, Mommy and Daddy have realized that I am the cutest baby to ever reside on the planet Earth (even with the poopie diapers and uncontrollable dandruff). So, they've taken to dressing me in some crazy outfits. This is all in an attempt to take me down a notch. But, they can do their worst. I am still super cool. And DON'T you forget it!

Check out the socks. They are coordinated to match the outfit. Thanks a lot Grandma. Mommy can't wait to show my future boyfriends this one.

Here comes Katie CottonTail, hoppin' down the friggin' bunny trail....

Now, this one doesn't look too bad. Froggies. Cute. Pink. Cute. Me. Cute.

The feeties on the outfit. Gag me with a spoon.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...