Monday, June 11, 2007

Baby in a Bubble

I swear, I'm gonna do it.

From now on, the "outside" is off-limits.

Do you want to know why?

'Cause it seems that every time we leave the house, K.T. ends up getting sick.

Also, when we're at Baby Class, K.T. always seems to find the kid with the snottiest nose in the room to play with. I swear, I put her on the floor and she makes a bee-line towards whoever sneezes first.

Okay, so it's just a bit of an overstatment to say she gets sick EVERY time. But, she has come down with one cold a month since March.

She came down with another one on Saturday.

I don't want her to get sick anymore. It's horrible. She can't breath, she can't sleep, she cries. I get boogers wiped all over me. I'm like a human-tissue.

Huzbend and I end up not sleeping and then we catch the cold. It took me, like, 3 weeks to get over the last one.

So, that's it. We're becoming hermits.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...