Monday, June 18, 2007

Giorno Di Padri

Unlike Mother's Day, I really can't blabber on and on about what it's like to be a Father.

I can, on the other hand, discuss what it has been like watching Huzbend become a Father.

A couple of years back, if you asked him about having a baby he would have said, "Kids?!?! Are you f-in crazy? What would we want to do that for? We're not havin' kids." He likes to use WE a lot. To tell you the truth, I was in the same camp as him for a while.

Then something happened. I'm not sure what.

One cloudy weekend, we decided to visit Lost River up in New Hampshire. As we were making our way through the huge boulders and clammy caverns it began to pour. We took shelter under a rock overhang to wait out the rain.

As we were sitting there, Huzbend blurted out unexpectedly, "I'm ready to have kids." I was shocked. It was completely out of the blue. I replied that I was too.

That was it.

During my pregnancy, he was so laid back. He wasn't worried about a thing. I was a little jealous that he could be so calm. Hmph. But, that's him. He had a bunch of fun at my expense too; making fun of my growing belly, my Shrek-like feet, the fact that I could out eat him, that I was leaking milk, etc. He was so excited about being a dad. He made me pose so that he could take a picture of my belly each week. He also made sure that I ate as healthy as humanly possible. But then, he was always the one asking if I wanted to go out for ice cream at 9pm on a Sunday night.

During labor, he was my Go To Guy. Rubbed my back, held my hand during surgery, juggled for me, refilled my water, changed the first poopy diaper.

Then we got home and the REAL work started. He kept that laid back attitude. He helped to keep me grounded and focused on what's really important when I thought I was going to lose my mind. His philosophy has been, "Whatever works/Don't sweat the small stuff". He's been right 100% of the time.

The other day, he said with a huge grin, "You know, I love being a dad."

I love watching him be a dad.

Happy Fathers Day!
Sending much love to Grumpa & GpaC.

November & December 2024

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