Monday, October 01, 2007

My First Vacation: A Photo Essay - By Katie

We just got back from our whirlwind tour of the NorthEast. Man, it was CRRRRRAAAAZZZIIIIEEE!

In keeping with my family's tradition, I started off the trip by getting sick. I had a 103 degree fever the night before we left. This is a picture of me and Mommy on my first plane ride. I spent most of the time in a drug induced sleep. Ahhhhhhh, the wonder that is Children's Tylenol.

Did you know that my Daddy is a superhero?

All my Grumpa has to do is say something while pointing and the lady with her hand over her mouth laughs. She's my Grumpa's brothers wife. Confusing. I know.

Well, there's GiGi. And there's Auntie and Uncle. And then there's......Who the hell ARE all these people?!?!?!

Hey, Nana? Um. Do you think I could have more cake? Quick! While Daddy isn't looking!!!!

I finally met the man that's stolen my spotlight. Look at him trying to get ALL the attention. Jeez. I was doing that LOOOONG before you were born, buddy. Put a little more back into it, okay? You don't even have your Mommy in a panic. Louder, man, louder! Sigh. Amateur.

I thought that if I stole the paper towels, the party wouldn't have to end. But, alas, they caught me.

Did you know that putting rocks into an empty milk jug is TOTALLY AWESOME?? My Grumpa did.

What's wrong with this picture?
As soon as we got to the campground, they put me to work. They just don't understand that being cute is my full time job.

Who's got time to mow, when there's a Granma to play with?????
My Granpa got a kick outta encouraging my new favorite past time - rock collecting. I guess nobody told him that I occasionally try to eat them.

Watch that first step, it's a dooooozy!!

My Uncle is a KICK ASS story teller!!!! Rock ON, dude!

Besides the fever, the rash, and the jet lag, I had a really good time. I got to get a whole lot of attention, I got to eat cheese at every meal, I got to play with new toys, and I got to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed almost the whole trip. You really can't ask for more.

We should do this again sometime, okay?

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...