Monday, October 08, 2007

Things of No Import

I know. I know. I've been slacking in the blog department.

I think I have a bit of writers block or something. I just can't think of anything to write about.

It also might be that there really isn't anything remotely interesting going on here.

I guess the weather is a good topic to start with.

When we were out visiting the east coast the weather was sunny and in the 80's every day. It was like summer. We came back home to rainy, dreary, cold weather. It was kinda, like, depressing and stuff. We've been able to sneak in a few visits to a local playground and I manage to fit in a walk to the mailbox with Katie everyday.

Co-op preschool is in full effect. My official job at the preschool is "Paint Changeover". There are four easels and each has its own set of 3 paint cups held in a tupperware bin. My job is to clean the bins, cups, and brushes. Then I have to refill the paints. Sounds pretty simple, but think about it. There are kids from ages 1 through 5 using these paints ALL week long. They kinda make a mess.

I found out quickly that Katie has no patience for paint cup cleaning. The first time I began gather up the cups for cleaning, she began to whine and glom onto my leg. Hmmmm. That made cleaning a little bit more complicated. So, after much strategizing I came up with the ultimate "Paint Changeover" technique. I take the cups home to clean while Katie is napping. There's so much less DRAMA that way.

Katie loves the preschool. I'm not sure that I mentioned it before, but it's really not school. It's like a playgroup that you pay for. She gets to play with new toys, she gets to do art projects (with my help of course), she gets to eat new snacks. It's all good. I'll try to remember to post of picture of her first painting masterpeice. Next week we are going on our first field trip to a pumpkin patch. Should be fun.

I've slowly been catching up on house cleaning. Vaccumed this weekend. Cleaned the bathrooms on Friday. Cleaned the moldy shower today. Exciting, isn't it?? We have to paint the trim around our new windows, but the paint can says not to paint if it's going to rain in the next twelve hours. So, I guess that's out. There's a tree that's touching our house. The bug guy says that mice can crawl up it and into our house. So, we gotta trim it. Then there are the down spouts that have detached from our gutters. Wahhh-wahhhh-wahhhh. How whiny can I be?

In other news, Katie says more words now. Here's a list: Dadee, mama, moooo, quackquack, baba, ba-oooon (balloon), cheee (cheese), chhh (cheerios), keys, and durdy (dirty). I think that's it. Katie tries to have conversations now. She'll spout off some lightning fast gibberish and then look at you as if to say, "Got it?"

It's frickin' hilarious.

Well, I've spent enough time typing about nothing.

Tune in next time when I talk about brushing my teeth, picking stray Cheerios off the floor, and how much I hate doing laundry.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...