Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I don't watch the news that much anymore.  I find that when I do, I get annoyed by it.

Usually, it's the morning news shows, like GMA, that I'm able to catch because Katie is still asleep.

I remember, last week or the week before, one of the top stories was that Miley Cyrus wasn't wearing a seat belt in her recent docu-movie thingie.  Parents were upset about the influence this would have on their children.

Ugh.  Don't get me started.  Aren't there, like, a million other more important things going on in the world right now besides Hannah Montana and her lack of a brain?

Another point of contention that I have had with the TV news is their need to always find out the "WHY" of things.  For example, "WHY" did that quiet, unassuming kid go on a shooting rampage at the college campus?

I always thought to myself, "Who the "F" cares WHY?  He was obviously "F"ed up and shouldn't be getting any more coverage than is absolutely necessary.  He killed people.  They are dead.  End of story."

That all changed yesterday.  I learned that a man that I used to work with was murdered over the weekend.    

I admit that I really didn't know much about him, even though I worked in the same building as him for about five years.  But, we were a pretty small office, so everyone felt like family after a while. He was shy, but always seemed to have a smile for you.  He didn't speak much English, but was trying really hard to learn.  He also had this laugh, man.  What a laugh.  I have never heard anyone laugh that hard.  Once you got him going, he couldn't stop.  He would be hysterical crying, but STILL laughing at the same time.  He was also really easy to pull practical jokes on.

I've read the newpaper stories about the ongoing case.  They give the latest updates and such. But, I find myself just wondering one thing over and over and over...


November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...