Monday, February 04, 2008

January by Katie

And so Christmas was over.  Just like that.  

You know what happens after Christmas in our house?

Video games.

Lots of video games.  

Marathon sessions of video game playing.

Followed by even more video game playing.

Here's me and Daddy playing a little co-op.  I could totally kick his butt.  See how I don't even have to look at the screen to play?  I am THAT good.

After we're done playing Daddy's games, we have to play Katie's games.  Most of the time this includes some form of hat wearing, Monkey and lots of screaming and laughing.

We went on a field trip with my Toddler class this month.  We visited a local fire house. 

Who wouldn't want to be a fireman when you get to watch TV in a cool seat like this?

Oh yeah, we saw fire trucks too.  They were totally AWESOME!

They were big.  And red.  And they go, "Wheee-oooo.  Wheee-oooo."

I bet you didn't know that Monkeys like to drink milk.  They do.  They also prefer it warm and hand fed.

We live in one whacky state.  I don't think it can make up its mind as to what season it wants it to be.  

One weekend we're out enjoying the sun at the playground....

....And the next weekend you get something like this scene below. 

This is snow.  I've seen it before, but not this much of it.  It's cold.  When you touch it, it's yucky. When you eat it, it's yummy.  But the best part about it is going, "Wheeeeeeeeee" down the driveway. 

The "Wheeeeeeeee" is even better when you have a Mommy (or Daddy) to pull the sled all the way back up the driveway for you.  Mush, Mommy, Mush!!!

Do you constantly have to battle the Frizz Monster like I do?  My luxuriously fine hair is prone to states of severe electrical static-dom.  OH BOY, are you in luck. I Katie, have created the first 100% guaranteed fix to this dreadful problem. 

Dudes.  Just put lettuce on your head.  It works every time.  

Now get outta here, you rascals you.  

I gotta take me a bath.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...