Monday, May 11, 2009

Mom's Day

What to say about Mother's Day?

I can say that being a Mother is hard.  I work hard every day at it.  It's a hard ass job.

Some days it feels like your soul has been ripped from your body and trampled by a pack of wild boars.

Some days it feels like you're riding on the 'Good Ship Lollipop'.  There is no kid that is or will ever be as cute or smart as your kid.

Motherhood is hard.

I both hate it and love it at times.  I'm hoping that is a normal feeling.  If not, maybe I need some therapy or something.

This years Mother's Day brought with it a cool-ass World of Warcraft T-shirt so I can show off my ultimate nerddom and a new big girl bed for Katie.

Take a peek:

Picked this puppy up at IKEA.  It was not my first choice, but both Huzbend and Katie seemed to really like it.  Huzbend stated, and I quote, "This is, like, the most awesome bed EVER."

As you can see, Katie got her wish and we decked it out in Thomas.

Nap time was quite interesting.  It took 45 minutes to get her to lay down in the bed and fall asleep.  It was like something out of Super Nanny.  She would come out of the room and I would march her back in.  Over.  And over.  And over.

Night-night was pretty much the same.  45 minutes of walking back and forth to her bedroom.  She woke a few times during the night crying or asking for me.  

Then she came into our room at about 3:15am and yelled, "MOMMY.  MY BLANKET FELL OFF THE BED!"  Scared the crap outta me.  Guess I have to get used to that.

Between thoughts of, "I hope her bed is comfortable" and "I hope she doesn't fall out of it"  and "I would have a hard time sleeping if someone took my old bed away...", I didn't get much sleep at all.  

The little bugger in the tummy did not help at all either.  Every night, it's like his own personal rendition of Riverdance going on in there. 

I also get very, very hungry.  There's the 11pm bowl of Cheerios and the 4am cheese stick and banana combo.

This all doesn't make for a very good nights sleep.

I guess that's one more thing I can say about being a Mother.

You don't sleep at all, but you tend to get a lot of thinking done.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...