Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Project

We have this big gravel driveway next to our house.  The old residents used to park their RV on it. For the past two and a half years we have used it as a wildlife refuge for obscure species of weeds.

Well, no longer.  Half of the weed sanctuary has now been repurposed.  We've had this idea for a play area for Katie for a while now.  It was great to actually see it come to fruition.  Huzbend decided to take on the task over the past couple of weekends.

Any job that requires the use of a sledge hammer is right up his alley.

Here he is putting the final cedar bark touch on his masterpiece.

Katie waited patiently on the steps of the deck......

....for her turn at a ride in the wheelbarrow.

Finally!  It was done.

Katie spent at least an hour going up and down the slide.  She was filthy by days end, but exhausted.  That's always a nice little treat.  It means only 100 trips into our room after she's been tucked in at night instead of one thousand.

On another note, Katie has taken to calling herself "Baby Henry".  Henry is a train in the Thomas series.  She tells me that I am her older brother "Gordon" (another train).  Huzbend, for some reason, is "Baby Henry's Mommy."  This has gotten very confusing.

This morning, Huzbend left for work on his bike.  Katie asked me, "Where did Mommy go?"  I answered that I was right here.  She said, "No.  Baby Henry's Mommy."  Meaning actually her Daddy.

This "Baby Henry" play has extended to preschool as well.  Today, she told me this tale, "(girl) pulled my hair at preschool.  I told her, 'No, (girl), don't pull my hair.  Steam comes out of there."  

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...