Monday, December 28, 2009

Xmas 2009

Christmas was good this year.

It only took HALF the day to open all the gifts.

For the first time EVER, I received kitchen stuff as gifts.
Yeah, I know. ME. I got kitchen stuff.
Just call me Chef Extraordinaire.

I got some nice stainless canisters to put flour, sugar, rice in (a lot better
than the cheap Tupperware I had it in before),
a new knife block ('cause we have too many knives to fit in one block)
and a convection/toaster oven (which so totally rocks).

Huzbend picked up some video games, socks, a Kindle and a down comforter.

Katie and Mikey made out too.

Mikey got a bunch of great stuff. Some dolls to suck and love on, as well
as other chew type toys. I think the favorite of the entire household is Sophie
The Giraffe. Everyone loves to hear her happy squeak.

It was girly-central in Katie-ville.
A tea set, various "outfits", princesses galore, her own stage microphone and a doll house.
This was all topped off with some trains, books and MarioKart.
Katie is obsessed with all things Mario.

We were treated to a fashion show as the day progressed.......

Outfit #1: The Holiday Dress

Outfit #2: Princess Ballerina
with fairy wing accessory

Outfit #3: Tinkerbell

Outfit # 4: Cinderella

All this fun was topped off with a wonderful meal.
Orange Marmalade glazed ham with a side of
sweet potato/banana crisp and a couple of green beans.

OMG. It was SOOOOO yummy and SOOOO not good for you.
But that is what Christmas is all about right?

Thanks to all for the wonderful gifts!!!!

You can find more pics of the day here.


November & December 2024

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