Monday, December 21, 2009

Deja Vu

I feel like I have been here before.......


Mikey had me convinced that he was gonna be my 'sleeper'. He was sleeping so good up until about a month ago. Before, I could count on him going down for at least 5 hours at night. Now, I'm lucky if he lasts 45 minutes at a time.

I haven't slept in my bed in, damn it all, I can't even remember the last time I slept in a bed. I've been camping out in Mikey's room, crashing on his armchair. It's just the easiest way to avert a full on Mikey-midnight-meltdown.

So, yes, that means that he is waking up every HOUR at night. The only way I can get him to stay quiet longer is to have him sleep on me and the only way to do that is to nurse him to sleep and leave him to sleep on the Boppy which is on my lap.

I don't sleep laying down anymore. I sleep sitting up.

I guess the one good thing is that I don't beat myself up about it this time around. When Katie was going through this, I kept thinking I was doing something wrong. I also hesitated to pick her up to get her to sleep. Now, I just don't care. Whatever gets me as much sleep as possible is what's good for me. Screw the parenting books.


I turned 36 last Thursday. I think that I just might be too old for this crap. It's wearing me down, man. I looked in the mirror the other day and thought to myself - "Who is this old looking mommy-type person?"

You know what I am NOT too old for though? Cupcakes. Huzbend got up early on my bday and whipped up a batch of ginger carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. What a nice guy. Oh, and I'm not to old for chocolate covered fruit either.

I AM too old to eat all of it myself though.

Excitement about christmas is overflowing here. Katie just can't stop telling me about all the stuff that she is going to get.

She'll pick some random thing up in a store and tell me that she will "probably get it for christmas". It happened today with a glow-in-the-dark changing-light jelly ring. She finds the weirdest things in stores.

Other than not sleeping, Mikey is busy mouthing everything. He's getting good at grasping things and bringing them up to his mouth. We have discovered that he is the most ticklish baby, like ever. It's hilarious. He also laughs hysterically at Huzbend and his antics. He is such a happy little dude. Happy is good.

Here's a snippet of a Katie conversation from this morning:

Katie: Mom, have you seen my Kirby pants? (from her halloween costume which she has been wearing for three days straight)

Me: Yeah. They're dirty from yesterday. Daddy put them in the wash, but I don't think he put them in the dryer.


Me: ..............

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...