Yep! I am FIVE MONTHS OLD. A lot has happened in the past month, let me tell you!
First, let me tell you what has not happened. I cannot sit up. Nope. Can't do it. Head is just WAY too big. I always fall forward - head first. BAM. Right on my nose. So, I'm trying to work on it, really. Tummy time too is a struggle. I can lift my head for about maybe a minute and then I just get too tired. And that turning over thing. WAYYYYY too complicated when you can't lift your head. I gots plenty of time to do that stuff, folks.
Here's what I CAN do! I can put stuff in my mouth. Just about, like, everything. I've figured out how to make these two hand things work together. I can bring it up to my mouth and then chew, chew, chew!
Sometimes I get bored chewing the same old things. It frustrates me that I get the same stuff handed to me all the time. So frustrated that I scream in dissatisfaction. So, sometimes Mommy likes to mix it up. The other day she gave me this. It was a very satisfactory chew.
I also learned that I have these two things called legs attached to me. And do you know what? On the ends of those two legs are FEET. On those feet thingies are TOES. Very much fun to grab. Here's me showin' off me piddies......
Family life is good. All Daddy has to do is walk into the room and I crack up. That man is just craaaazy funny. He's also showing me how to play these things called video games. Here we are saving the world from darkspawn or something. Here we are deep in battle......
Big Sisty is A-OK. Sometimes she likes to include me in her games, here she is giving me "The CLAW".
This month we got this big green thing called a tree in our living room. We had to go out in the freezing cold to go and get it. I ended up with a poopy diaper and then I decided I was hungry. Needless to say, I didn't have much say as to which tree was picked since I was so busy.
We also had Christmas this month. I liked it. I got lots of new stuff to chew on.
Much to Mommy's displeasure, the only place that I actually sleep for any period of time is either on her lap or here on the couch.....
Here's some other stuff I worked on this month:
happy dolphin-boy screaming
growing hair on my head - got some nice peach fuzz going on
moving up to a size 2 diaper
actually liking my new swing
and Mommy's favorite......
NO MORE GOOPY EYE! Now my cuteness is in full effect.
What? Okay, so, yeah. It's not the best picture. Katie's been working on her photography. She needed a test subject. It's not like I can run away from her or anything.....
'Till next time....
Mikey out.