Sunday, September 24, 2006

Soooooo sleeeeeeeepy

Is this normal?

There are only 1 or 2 times during the day when Katie will get herself into a deep deeeeeep sleep. The kind of sleep where she doesn't move a muscle and you can hardly tell that she is breathing. Most of these deep sleep sessions are (unfortunately) during the day. They occur when she is either in our arms, in her carseat, or in her swing. Very rarely can we get her to sleep like this in her bassinet. What happened to the days when she would sleep like this all the time? Back when she was first born, every sleep was a DEEP sleep. See newborn sleep example below.....

Well, nowadays the majority of her sleep might not really qualify as "sleep" at all! It seems that she wakes up every 5 minutes. But, she isn't really awake. Ha-ha! It's all a ruse. If you look at her, her eyes are closed the entire time. She will "talk" to herself using either whimpers, moans, grunts or by yelling out "AYE!" Then, she will kick out her legs and throw her arms all over the place. Last night, she did this for 5 hours. See 5 and a half week old sleep example below....

Let me tell you, this makes it damn near impossible for me to sleep. The bassinet is right next to our bed. With every movement and every sound, I have to look over to see what she is doing. She is the noisest sleeper EVER. She even takes the record from The Snore-Master, Huzbend. I don't get it. How can she function like this? Doesn't a growing baby need actual sleep? What the hell is this 5 minute sleep thing? I DO know one thing, I can't function on this whacked out sleep pattern. I'm absolutely exhausted.

The other night she was doing her 5-minute sleepy thing when all of a sudden she screamed blue-bloody murder. I jumped out of bed so fast you might have thought I was on fire. I grabbed her quickly and ran into the other room so as to minimize Huzbends exposure to the ear-drum peircing screams. I did a quick examination to find out what the deal was. While she was flailing her arms around she had punched herself in the eye and left a nice gash on the side of it. She did this with her fingernails. It was so deep that it actually bled. Jeez.

Today, I noticed another cut on her nose. When that got there, I will never know. Again, I ask, is this normal?

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...