Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blog = Good

I just wanted to say that I am SO glad that I started this blog thing.

This year Mikey goes two days a week to preschool.  One day where I go with him and the other day is supposed to be his "drop off" day.  I can leave him and go.

I was curious to see if I had mentioned anything about this process back when I went through it with Katie.  So, I just went back through my blog to see.

I got sucked in and spent thirty minutes reading various entries about Katie as a two year old.  It was awesome.

God.  How quickly you forget what they were like back then because you're too busy looking forward to what's next!

I feel so lucky that I have this record of thoughts and feelings that I can pull up at any time.  It helps me remember the good times and the bad.  Important details (like the fact that Katie called herself "you" all the time when she was two) that are lost to the daily grind are brought back.

I also feel some pressure though.  Some of those posts were quite witty, if I do say so myself.  Did I have more time back then?  I certainly didn't get more sleep.  Hmmm.  Maybe I'm just getting dull in my old age.

So, I gotta do some more posts about life in general and a few less posts with just pictures and captions.

I gotta get more videos too.

Mikey's first day of school was on Tuesday and it was also my "work day" - my day to stay at school with him.  He spent most of the class following me around with his hand grabbing the inside of my shorts.  He DID participate in circle time though, which was great to see.  He danced with me and did all the "action" songs ("touch your ears....touch your nose...").  He also sat quietly and calmly BY HIMSELF to listen to one of his favorite stories, "Owl Babies" - which the Teacher had to cut short because 3/4's of the class were running around like nut cases.  Such is the way with two year olds.

After we took Katie to the bus that afternoon, we came home and he just about passed out on me as I was reading a story before nap time.  The first time that has ever happened.

Katie is loving kindergarten.  She's told me that she wants, "to go to kindergarten FOREVER!"  I told her that, "By the time June rolls around, it will have felt like FOREVER!"

I try to ask her every day what her favorite and not-so-favorite part of kindergarten was that day.  Her first ever response to this question was, "My favorite part was recess.  My not-so-favorite part was when we were coloring our gingerbread man and I could only use scissors and markers but I wanted to use scissors, markers, crayons, pencils, glue...."  Stifling her creativity, they are.  Her recent answers to this same question have been:  favorite - any art project they do or outside activity and her not-so-favorite part - leaving for the day.  Let's hope we can keep that going.

What about me, you ask?  Me?  I'm doing good.  August and the beginning of September were stressful.  All the prep garbage that my preschool job requires me to do, worrying about how Katie would like kindergarten, birthdays, school orientations, Mikey starting preschool and such.  It wore me down.  But, we're past all the work and the worry.  It's just rolling along now.  Getting into a rhythm of sorts.

I completed P90X (the "lean" program) over the summer and now have started running and lifting with Huzbend on odd days during the week.  It's good to get back into some sort of exercise regimen.

Okay.  I did say that I needed to do more text based posts.  But not rambley ones.

I'm off to await the "Awakening".

Soon, Mikey will start putzing around in his crib eventually calling out, "MOMMY!  WANT JUICE & WAFFLE!"

Soon after, Katie will decide that she has had enough sleep and will yell out, "COME WAKE ME UHHHHHH-UP!!!!!" in her sing-songy voice.

And the day will officially start.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...