Thursday, September 29, 2011


The weather ain't the only thing changing around here.

When did this happen?

 From baby..... boy.

He doesn't call himself "Na-Na" anymore.  Now he's Mikey.

Or Blue Guy.

He talks CONSTANTLY.  He's started to use the potty.  He will often times refuse to sit in his "baby chair" and demand to be called a "big kid".  Sometimes, the only thing that can slow that boy down is food.

He can also be a pretty nasty little dude.  Yesterday was one of those times.

He walked around the house trashing whatever project Katie happened to be working on or just moseying up to her (or me) and either hitting, pinching or pulling hair.

Nothing I could do would stop him.  I tried basic reprimanding ("NO!  We don't pull hair!").  This progressed to an attempt at Time Outs on the steps.  No such luck. That turned into the "Mommy Catch Me As I Run Away From The Time Out Place Game".

Finally, it ended with me strapping him into his booster chair for a Time Out in the kitchen away from Katie.  That seemed to do the trick.  He actually stopped beating on his sister for a little while.

I know.  This has TWO written all over it.  Huzbend reminded me yesterday that Katie went through the same nastiness.

Moving On.

Last week, he spent his first day at preschool without me and Katie.  It went pretty well.  He stopped crying in less than a minute thanks to the greatness of the teacher and the total awesomeness of my Mommy friends.  He made it all the way until outside time before he broke down.  Um.  Yeah.  I was still there.  I didn't really leave.  I just hid out in the school to see how it went.  This week, I will attempt to actually leave the premises.  I promise.  Maybe.

Katie is still liking kindergarten.  She's made some friends - most of them boys.  I think she really digs math even though she tells me that it's boring.  It's the one thing that she actually seems to want to work on.  Letters and reading....not so much.  It's kinda like pulling teeth.

I visited the teacher this week for "Curriculum Night".  She went over all the stuff that the kids are going to learn this year.  It seems that Kindergarten is now First Grade.  Wow.  I wonder how it will turn out.  Will Katie still dig school four or even eight months from now?

It feels like a lot of that success rests with me and my ability to enforce what she's learned in school at home.  That might be a problem.  You see, I can't get her to do the homework I give her without her turning it into an art project of some kind.

"But, Mommy.  The 'K' is a daisy.  The 'a' is a sunflower.  There's the 't' it's kinda big.  Here's the 'i' with a star on it and the 'e' looks like a clam shell!"


November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...