Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Giant End Of August Post

Well, we said good bye to the family that were here visiting,
the birthday's were all over, and
now it was time for a little family VAY-CAY!

We hopped in the car and booked it on up
to Deception Pass for a little camping adventure.

Here we see Mikey assisting Daddy with tent set-up.

"I love camping!  I love camping!
Oh, wait a minute.  That's not right.
I love marshmallows!  I love marshmallows!"

Not so fast, missy.

Dinner first.

"Whaddaya mean you didn't bring the parm?"


Double mmmmmmmmmmm.

(We did end up eating marshmallows that night before we went to sleep.
Never fear.  I'll have Marshmallows: Round 2 pictures below.)

Because Katie had to leave her sword and shield at home,
she fashioned a new weapon using some
local sea weed.


"Fortune and glory, kid.  Fortune and glory."

We spent all morning exploring the beach
and climbing on the rocks and driftwood.

After lunch, Little Man (with the help of Mommy's company) collapsed for a
nap in the tent.  Huzbend and Katie went off exploring.

When they came back, it was quiet time 'cause Mikey was STILL

Katie busied herself
with a princess coloring book.

Huzbend busied himself with a nap.

After dinner that night, it was time for MORE MARSHMALLOWS!!!

Honestly, isn't that really why people go camping?

The next day we said goodbye to Deception Pass,
but not before stopping at its famous landmark.

The Bridge.

Here we are on the bridge.

You can walk across it.

It is high.

And scary.

This is what it looks like from far away.


You can walk on that puppy.

Camping fun was done.

On to the next adventure.


First up, freezing cold water rides!


Marshmallows are to camping
as ice cream is to amusement parks.

With the ice cream polished off, it was time
for some rides.

We picked this boat on purpose.

You'll know why if you read the name on it.

Katie was tall enough to do a lot more rides this year.

Here she is experiencing "tea cups" for the first time.

Mikey wanted to hit the big rides too.  But no luck.
Just too small.  He had to stick with the lame-o kiddie rides.

"Can't this thing go any faster?  I
think I might RUN faster than this, Mom."

We did get to go on a ride that got you up high.

Mikey liked it.

With all the adventuring done for the week, we decided
it was time to chill at home.

If this doesn't scream rock star, I don't know what does.

This is what happens when you eat chocolate
Easter bunnies in the summer.

Next up it was a trip to the country fair.

Katie is REALLY into rides now.

The kids also fell in love with this calf.

We almost had to take it home with us.

Katie and Mikey spent about 30 minutes petting and talking to it.

"Mommy!  Wook!  A bwack cow laying in da grass!!"

As you can see, we spent a lot of time looking at cows.

All that cow gazing can work up an appetite for dairy products.

It was time for a little frozen treat.

Chocolate ice cream!!

(Well, really it was frozen yogurt.  It's the only thing 
they had in soft serve.  It's an allergy thing.)

You would think that we would be all adventured out by this time.

Nope.  Not us.

We were (actually, I should say Mikey was) invited on a "Potty Chart Reward Boat Ride".

We hopped on a ferry with our pals
Logan and Sienna (and their parents too).

Before we departed, little Baylor joined the party.

What a beautiful PNW day.

We got off the ferry on the other side and
sat down to have a nice
picnic dinner.

The kids had a great time running around like crazy.

Sienna and Mikey got to have some alone time too.


What a month it was.

Mikey was so tired that one day
he took a matching game to nap with him........

......and ended up with turnips stuck to his head.

November & December 2024

November 1st was Plaid Day at Mikey's school. That same day Katie came home for an IV infusion and to watch the Dramafest plays. She spe...