If Mikey really put his heart into it, I bet his poop could shoot across the room. There may be a Guinness World Record there somewhere....
I used to not like raspberries. Then I picked them at an organic farm with Katie. Now they are my favorite berry.
When we walk into just about any public place, Katie will initiate a conversation with anyone standing near her. If someone initiates a conversation with her, she suddenly turns shy.
I always buy stuff and then when I bring it home and it doesn't fit. Like, curtains and this new dish rack. It's really annoying.
I have serious Mommy Guilt. I always feel like I am ignoring one kid in favor of the other. It sucks.
Huzbend is scary when he raises his voice. I feel like I should be in 'time out' or something.
Katie will grow up to be a starlet in the horror genre. Her screams pierce your soul.
And now is de time on blog vhen vee dance......